Tm Freke – Jesus and the Lost Goddess Audiobook

Tm Freke – Jesus and the Lost Goddess Audiobook (The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians)

Tm Freke - Jesus and the Lost Goddess Audio Book Free
Jesus and the Lost Goddess Audiobook Online






What a remarkable, clear as well as easy to understand discussion of the allegorical facet of the Gnostic Christ Consciousness message! I believe nevertheless that a physical Christ and also His Devotees did live and also walk on the face of this Earth. I think that the physical Christ incarnated on Earth not only to educate, preserve as well as proceed this terrific spiritual reality of the Gnosis, however likewise to demonstrate the Ascension/Gnosis as well as the truth that a human can as well as ought to remain to live and do good works in the world after going through such a remarkable transmutation, and work as a sign of the ‘Light of the Christ’ for others to replicate. Jesus and the Lost Goddess Audiobook Free. For we originate from Immortality when we are born. That is not in dispute. Where else can we perhaps come from?! So truth message of the Gnosis was and also is not that. It is that you could experience Gnosis as well as connect fully with your Godself and can still remain to survive on Planet, thus becoming a living example of the Gnostic state of grace for others to replicate.
And real Enthusiasts, the true Adherents of the Inner Mysteries, those that were ready to awaken to their Godhood, those with ‘eyes to see’ and ‘ears to listen to’ would comprehend this, would certainly recognize the entire message; would comprehend the entire occasion; would certainly comprehend every little thing. For the Christ was saying to everyone and also specifically to the Doubting Thomas’s of His time as well as down the ages, “Look people, you do not have to take just my word for it. I am the Living Evidence of what I am instructing you!” So, without a doubt, for those that had “eyes to see as well as ears to hear”, there was no chance in which they could fail to comprehend the Gnostic Christ Awareness Message. They had all the proof that any individual might possibly require!

Which is precisely why the incredible quality, thoroughness and also effectiveness of the teaching approach that was embraced for this message, the whole Christ experience was so absolutely stupendous and has continued to be so down the ages! What much better method to earn your message as well as make it extraordinary down the ages than to literally show in the flesh what you are preaching/teaching to those who need to follow in your footprints and end up being living evidence and educators of your extraordinary message?!

For hereafter Christ, there would certainly be no more single Great Educator of the Christ Awareness Gnosis. For the time had actually come, or was quick approaching, for numerous educators– not simply one– to currently spread the Christ Awareness message throughout the globe by exhibiting the philosophy, by living the ideology. Well created and also investigated. As a previous Catholic I found this book to be a most lighting item of the puzzle or the “enigma” as the rc church likes to refer to things they don’t want you to understand, like early church background. Check out combined with the writers other books as well as Freddy Silva’s books about sacred websites and secret religions, the history of Christianity is now much more comprehensible to me as an outgrowth of previous faiths and political chicanery of a most Roman type, instead of as an unique and unprecedented event in human history that must exist in a historical vacuum, as it was to me as well as generations of Catholics. Exceptional history info on the background of the early Christians, terms, as well as how the Literalist Christians transformed
against the much more esoterically linked christians/the gnostics for their very own power as well as just how the Sophia figure/Mary and all other
parts of the Jesus myth was “obtained” from very early pagan misconceptions. Again, all for power in Rome and also at some point around the globe.
Understandable and proceeds structurally along historical lines. This is the first ‘Freke’ and Gandy book I have actually read and also I rejoice I did. Growing up a Roman Catholic and totally turned off by the literalist agenda, I looked towards the eastern for answers. Tm Freke – Jesus and the Lost Goddess Audio Book Online. Little did I recognize that the necessary ‘realities’ taught in the eastern were in western form [referred to as Gnosticism] in this book. I have listened to several of S. Hoellers services Gnosticism, however he does not lay it out as neat as well as clean as Freke as well as Gandy. These men know exactly how to interact. Currently I am not so turned off with Christianity. Many thanks for connecting the big void!

Since then I have actually reviewed the Gospel of the second coming and also it is equally as excellent and also enjoyable and also likewise is well written. Today I simply completed For how long is Now which is an excellent publication on awakening as well as simply ordered the Chuckling Jesus. If your aiming to ‘wake up’ or ‘Freke Out’, this is a fantastic place to start, or coating.